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Build a Website - Pay Per Click Programs


what I did in this website or choose the subject what you are going to prefer.

There are 2 ways you can do this:

For your first website, choose a subject you know something about.Whatever you choose as the subject of your website, if you're interested in the subject yourself, the chances are you will already have a good understanding of the people of your potential visitors. You will find this highly beneficial to your success. This method will take the most time, as you will be prone to choosing an unprofitable market place.

Build Your Website
Using the following system put your sites wording and navigation together in a way which guides the surfer to your concept"(Pay Per Click Programs):

Grab their ATTENTION
Build their DESIRE for your "Concept"(Pay Per Click Programs):
Get them to ACT now

You're building a site around a subject which will lead your surfer to a product that they need. You are NOT just putting up lots of links to a product that someone may or may not follow.

Let's look at this in more detail:

Decide and write down the answers to the following:

  • What will your surfers problems are? (prioritize)
  • What will they have tried that doesn't work?
  • What is it that would solve their problem?
  • How can your "concept"(Pay Per Click Programs) help?
  • Why should they choose your "concept" ?(Pay Per Click Programs)
  • And why should they choose your "concept"(Pay Per Click Programs) today?

Now let’s try an example using how to earn through Pay Per Click Programs as the subject and just highlight how to do it successfully as we done in this website:


  1. How do you getting started to earn online through Pay Per Click Programs. Just explain about what they need and DON'T need.
  2. Create subtitles related to Earn Online through Pay Per Click Programs like Beginners guide, plan website, build a website, add potential to your website etc.
  3. Explain given subtitles one by one briefly.4. To add the feedback form in your website to getting reports from your viewers also always keep in touch.
  • Most people will have tried searching how to earn online through Pay Per Click Programs. Guide them properly.
  • If they have any problems try to solve their problems through your articles to earn online through this Pay Per Click Programs.
  • Explain them step by step to everyone can understand your concept (Pay Per Click Programs) regarding how to earn online.
  • Always keep in touch with your visitors to get the suggestions about your website also getting frequent traffic your site.

So how might this look as a simple website?

Home page (First page)

Introduce yourself what your doing ? What about your concept? What are details available in your website? It may be related to...How to earn online from through Pay Per Click Programs or other related titles like music, movies, games, holidays, tourism or Pay Per Click Programs website.

Page 2

Viewers gets the outline in about your concept How to earn money online like beginners guide,plan a website,build a website and add potential to your website.

Page 3

Explain how to build a website like... how do you getting started before building website ?what is the details your going to include in your website.

Page 4

How to upload website to your domain and how to test your website. Also how to add a earning potential to your website.

Page 5

Feed back form. To get in touch with your visitors.

Build a storyboard and plan

  1. Storyboard all your Web pages
  2. Write a rough outline of each page's text
  3. Decide which graphics should appear on which pages
  4. Get permission to use copyrighted material
  5. Create a master list of all files

Feature lock: No more new features added after this step!When you have a list of all Web pages, files, and features, declare a stage of "feature lock." To get your site up quickly, resist adding more pages, files, or features, no matter how easy they seem. You can add more after your Web site is running.

Create your Web site like our Pay Per Click Programs or people who like to search more

Rewrite text to produce final draft.

When you write Web pages from scratch, you can use HTML editor software to help.

Find or create all graphics files

You can scan your logos, art, and photos to create Web graphics files. Use free clipart, create your own or copy free graphics from Internet archives.

Do you need advanced functions for this first site?

Many Web sites do not need advanced functions such as animation, database access, or multimedia. Your first Web site will be easier to create if you leave advanced functions for additions at a later date.

To perform advanced functions, you may need to use: CGI scripts, JavaScript programs, Java software, and interfaces with other software programs.

You can write these software programs, buy them, or (sometimes) get them for free.

Test your Web files on your own computer

  1. Test each file before adding to site
  2. Note names of files with problems
  3. Write down all error messages
  4. Determine causes of problems
  5. Correct your files
  6. Test every link on each page
  • Copy files to your web site host computer
  • Your Web site host may provide special software to automatically do this. If not, you'll need FTP software
  • Check your master list of files
  • Have all files been uploaded to your server
  • Test your site online (Pay Per Click Programs)
  • Look at every page.
  1. Does each page display? Does every link work? Does every graphic display?
  2. Visit your site using a 56k modem to see how quickly or slowly your page displays for an average visitor
  3. Write down all error messages
  4. Correct the files on your own computer
  5. Copy your corrected files to your Web site host computer
  6. Test again to make sure your corrections workGood luck to start earnings today from Pay Per Click Programs by creating new website for you…Earn every month more than $3000USD

Good luck to start earnings today from Pay Per Click Programs by creating new website for you…Earn every month more than $3000USD