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Plan a Website - Pay Per Click Programs

Explore other Web sites

Plan a simple site to begin with. Minimum 1 page and Maximum of 5-6 pages (let's not complicate things until we've got the basics).

Visit your competitors' web sites related to Pay Per Click Programs
Remember to "shop your competition" Approach your competitors as though you were a prospective customer or regular surfer.

Find Web sites like you want yours to be
Invest time in surfing the Net. Bookmark sites you like and make notes on why you like them.

Decide what you want your site to do
Start small. Define your goals. Create something quickly. It is easy to refine it later.

Decide who is your target audience is

Employees? Couples? Customers? Men? Women? etc If men, what kind of men? Men who play sports, Men who listen to a certain type of music? Married men? or Pay Per Click Programs seekers etc. Focus your first site on one target.

Define what actions you expect visitors to take after visiting your site.
Be specific. Examples: Prospects and customers will subscribe to our email newsletter. Customers will buy products from our affiliate programs; X and Y.

Define a "tone" for your Web site which related to your content –Pay Per Click Programs
This is an important step. Writing and images in your site can project very different tones. Will your visitors respond best to a buttoned-down, corporate approach? To one that is fresh and lively? Or to a site that is technical and no-nonsense?

Select a site to use as a model as similar website like Pay Per Click Programs
Print pages from your model site. Capture the way the page looks. DO NOT COPY someone else's work though.

Does your model set the tone you want?
How will your tone be different?

Does your model do the actions you want?
What other actions are needed? What actions are not needed?

Reduce the number of pages and actions to as few as possible
Keep your "starter" site to as few pages as we can like this Pay Per Click Programs . It's easy to add more lately.

Copy relevant pages to your computer for study
Use the "Save" function (under "File") on your Web browser to do this. DO NOT COPY someone else's work though especially our Pay Per Click Programs website

Prepare your Site
Select the information you want to present What information will your visitors need to complete the actions you want? For example : Information about a particular subject, reasons to buy, reasons to return, pictures, prices and how to earn online through Pay Per Click Programs etc

Gather information
that you already haveSources can be your own knowledge, affiliate program websites, product specifications, news groups, articles etc.

Determine what information you need to create
For your first site, use existing sources as much as you can also you can take the theme of our website like Pay Per Click Programs. But don’t copy our exact content of the site.

Choose what to do yourself and what to outsource
This plan assumes you already have a web site provider. If not, you'll have to select a web site host. Lot of providers available on internet. If you have any difficulty to get host please mail me. I will help you to get a domain.

Decide how you will create your HTML pages
Will you do it yourself? Everyone can easily created WebPages through Microsoft FrontPage or Microsoft word. Use the help in the above mentioned software’s help.

Happy Earnings through this Pay Per Click Programs !